Hello all! In my last blog post I said I would be posting a little more regularly, so let's see how long this lasts shall we?
It's 9:45 or so on a overcast Sunday morning. I'm smoking an Avo XO with some coffee. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm not usually a huge fan of Connecticut wrapped cigars but this one is a little different. The usually overwhelming grassy/hay flavor that is typical of most Connecticut wrappers is not as prevalent here. I do taste some hay like flavors but it's not very pronounced. I get hints of a nice sweetness, possibly vanilla, and loads of nutty flavorful smoke. The texture of the smoke is very creamy and coats the pallet nicely. The burn is razor sharp and the draw is perfect. The Avo XO, like many Connecticut's, pairs very well with your morning cup of joe. I recommend the Avo XO to everyone. I believe new and seasoned smokers alike will enjoy the Avo XO.
Last night I attended an old friend's graduation party. She just finished her bachelor's degree and I had not seen her or her friends for many years. I feel like many of us take friends that we haven't seen in many years for granted. I know I have, and I certainly regret it. Last night opened my eyes a little bit. Many times people enter your life at a young age and you forget about how nice it is to be in good company. Revisiting memories and catching up with one another is something that should be treasured. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to spend time with friends of old. I urge you to try and reconnect with friends from your past. I think you'll be happy you did...
The taste was wonderful. The flavor was so aerial and sophisticated, these Avo Cigars are a complete plan of art.
avo cigars
My friend has great craze of cigars and he buy discounted cigars online. I like to gift him cigar case which is unique and cool. There are many cases brand available, please recommend me best cigar case brand.
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